Good morning. Today, we move on to actually writing your paper. There are two big steps that need to happen. We need to construct the thesis statement and complete the initial single-word outline. These two things sorta happen at the same time.
First thing you need to do is MAKE A COPY of this document and put that COPY in your research folder. (I messed with the settings so that you should HAVE to make a copy and not be able to inadvertently edit the original. Y'all will have to let me know if it doesn't work correctly.) I would focus on completing the Skeleton Outline Graphic Organizer thing first. Just put single words to represent ideas you will discuss in your research. It is okay if you can't fill out the whole thing right now. You should at least be able to sorta subdivide your topic into three main points or examples.
Once you can do that-- you are ready to write your thesis. I have written out two thesis options. I have included a few examples of each. You will see the examples at the top of the Thesis Statements document. (I will also copy and paste them on to the Research tab. I will link videos and other resources throughout the day. See if you can make one of them work. Then add your thesis to the table in this document. I think having them in one place will help us see each others' for help and allow me to review them easily. If you can get those two steps done, you will be on track.
SIDE NOTE: If you have not placed your topic/prompt on the chart, please do so today. I will post a list of people who are not getting the points for this task this evening.
First thing you need to do is MAKE A COPY of this document and put that COPY in your research folder. (I messed with the settings so that you should HAVE to make a copy and not be able to inadvertently edit the original. Y'all will have to let me know if it doesn't work correctly.) I would focus on completing the Skeleton Outline Graphic Organizer thing first. Just put single words to represent ideas you will discuss in your research. It is okay if you can't fill out the whole thing right now. You should at least be able to sorta subdivide your topic into three main points or examples.
Once you can do that-- you are ready to write your thesis. I have written out two thesis options. I have included a few examples of each. You will see the examples at the top of the Thesis Statements document. (I will also copy and paste them on to the Research tab. I will link videos and other resources throughout the day. See if you can make one of them work. Then add your thesis to the table in this document. I think having them in one place will help us see each others' for help and allow me to review them easily. If you can get those two steps done, you will be on track.
SIDE NOTE: If you have not placed your topic/prompt on the chart, please do so today. I will post a list of people who are not getting the points for this task this evening.