Refer to this page for directions, worksheets, links, and other important info for completion of all assignments while I am out from November 20th - December 8th.
Wednesday, Nov. 20Library Day
Report straight to the library. Please remember that whatever is assigned in the library WILL be a formal grade in this class. Please submit all library assignments on-time. Thursday, Nov. 211. Warm Read: The Warm Read will be a GoogleForm. Click here when you are ready to begin. (You must complete this DURING your class period. A time stamp accompanies all submissions.) The poem is Felix Randal. A copy can be found here.
2. Finish reading Paradise Lost. You should get both sides of the worksheet you were given Tuesday completed. The text of the poem can be found by using the pdf below. (If you have lost your original sheets, you can find a copy by going to Literature-18thCentury-ParadiseLost and looking for the documents.)
3. You will also receive a set of post-reading questions. These are the same questions at the end of the poem in the pdf textbook. You must answer all parts of all questions. Please clearly label a sheet of looseleaf paper and write your answers there. MAKE IT CLEAR WHICH NUMBER AND LETTER YOU ARE ANSWERING. You have Friday to complete this as well. It must be turned in to the sub Friday.
Friday, Nov. 221. Cold Read: The cold read is just a passage with some questions. The questions are on a GoogleForm linked here. Please read each question and select the appropriate response.
2. Today, you will continue the work you've been doing since Tuesday. Finish reading Paradise Lost and completing the outline and epic conventions chart. Yesterday you were given a set of after-reading questions. Please finish answering these today. These are the same questions found after the poem in the pdf textbook. You must answer all parts of all questions and turn your work in to the sub TODAY. The textbook is linked above. You can find the questions there if you did not receive a copy. Thanksgiving Break
Welcome back! I hope you each had an amazing week off. We are in the home stretch now. I have my follow up appointment with my doctor today and will hopefully get to start driving again! I don't know if I will be cleared to come back yet, but I probably will not be back until Monday. So-- one more week without me. YAY! Please, please, please do what you are supposed to this week. I will come back with all grades caught up and entered, but remember that the end of the 9 weeks will determine whether or not you pass the first semester of English IV. If you have been on the edge of D or F, now is the time to change that. I hope to print everybody a progress report Monday and we will go from there. Make sure you complete your library assignments, too. Thank you for being so great while I am out. I love you and am actually missing y'all!!!
Monday, Dec. 2Today you will receive this week's Warm Read (click Warm Read to access the pdf if you need to) and any CommonLit (Jonathan Swift's poem is your weekly CommonLit to be done by Sunday night) and Study.com (we won't have a Study.com this week) assignments should be open for you to complete.
1. Read the excerpt from Dante's Inferno available as a pdf below. (If you don't see it--- it is also included in the Paradise Lost pdf.) While reading, take notes. Write down basic information you think might be important about the structure, style, narration, etc. If you have a blank CSPNFLLA sheet, it would be a good place to take notes. (Character, Setting, Plot, Narration, Figurative Language, Literary Argument-- aka answer to the question). This work will be tested on your semester exam.
2. After reading the passage, answer the questions that follow. There are only three questions, but they each have multiple parts. Answer these on a sheet of loose leaf paper which is clearly labeled. If I do not know what it is-- I cannot grade it.
3. If you look at the back of the question paper you had for Paradise Lost, you will see a writing assignment about Paradise Lost AND the Inferno. (If you do not have that sheet-- it is located at the end of the pdf textbook file on either PL or Inferno.) Look at the section titled TIMED WRITING, INFORMATIVE TEXT: ESSAY. Read the directions completely. You will write a short essay comparing and contrasting the settings in Paradise Lost and the Inferno. This must be turned in through Turnitin.com. If you do not know your class code-- look on the bulletin board closest to the door. This must be turned in no later than midnight, Sunday, December 8th. I will set the Turnitin assignment to close at that time. No work will be accepted late for this. Please title the document LastName_FirstName_EpicEssay. (Example: McCalister_April_EpicEssay) Tuesday, Dec. 3Library Day
Please remember that whatever is assigned in the library WILL be a formal grade in this class. Please submit all library assignments on-time. Wednesday, Dec. 41. Flip through the powerpoint presentation on The Enlightenment and the writers of the Neoclassic Movement. This time period can be divided into smaller "ages." Take notes on each one. You will need these notes for a future quiz and for the semester exam.
2. Alexander Pope and Samuel Johnson were two of the most important writers of this time period. You have two assignments to do with these two authors. Use the list of common Neoclassic themes found below to identify the point or theme of each of Pope's epigrams listed on the worksheet you were given today. 3. Read Vultures Talk of Man by Samuel Johnson (pdf linked below). Write a one-paragraph interpretation of the essay/short story. Explain what larger meaning the author was trying to convey. (You can write your interpretation on the back of the Alexander Pope worksheet.)
Thursday, Dec. 51. Warm Read: The Warm Read will be a GoogleForm. Click here when you are ready to begin. (You must complete this DURING your class period. A time stamp accompanies all submissions.)
2. Read Daniel Defoe's Journal of a Plague Year excerpt. You should have been given the paper. There are questions along the margins of the paper. Answer the questions and follow the directions. Turn this in at the end of the period. Friday, Dec. 61. Cold Read: The cold read is just a passage with some questions. The questions are on a GoogleForm linked here. Please read each question and select the appropriate response.
2. Read the linked documents about Satire. Explanation/Exercises and Powerpoint 3. Complete the CommonLit: A SATIRICAL ELEGY ON THE DEATH OF A LATE FAMOUS GENERAL. This must be done during your class period. I will not check any done at any other time. |