Continue work on your thesis statement and sentence outline. I will be holding ZOOM meetings today at 11:00 AM for English IV/Research Paper stuff and 2:00 PM for AP to talk about test preparation. This week I plan to offer ZOOM times frequently so I can answer questions and help with your research paper one-on-one/in-person. I need everybody to attend at least one of these meetings. I will post times as soon I get that all figured out. I want to put my eyeballs on each of you this week. We will be pushing to finish the research paper by Monday, one week from today. Some of you may need to kick it in to high gear to make that happen. Most of you are on track. The biggest hurdle is the sentence outline. Once it is written- it is just a matter of editing and revising. After the research paper, we will do end of the year presentations and wrap it all up. Today, I will put some links that might help you on the Research tab. Just websites and videos, etc. For AP, I will be putting up information on the AP LIT & COMP tab. I will talk to you about that in the meeting today. I will try to record the meeting for anyone who can't be there and post it here afterwards. I look forward to seeing you. (Now, let me try to go put some makeup on and not look like a zombie!)
TGIF? It seems a little odd that Friday isn't nearly the fun it is under normal circumstances. We are definitely living in weird times. Thanks so much for the texts yesterday. I feel better today; I think I just needed to have a reset. I know y'all have to be feeling somewhat the same. That being said, I am giving you very lax deadlines and stuff for that reason. If you need to take a day "off" from school for your mental health, do it. If you need to spend a day sitting outside or eating ice cream or facetiming with friends, do it. The work will get done. We all have to take care of ourselves the best way we know how right now. I am trying to do that myself. Ok, I am off my soapbox. Now, down to work. A few announcements: 1. We will not have a Warm or Cold Read this week. If you haven't done After Apple-Picking or Fingerprints. Please do them immediately. They are from the week before Spring Break and can be found on the WR,CR,Quiz,Test tab. 2. I need to have a ZOOM meeting for AP Monday to talk about the new information that has come out and how we need to proceed. I am sending out a Remind message asking what time. Please respond when you see it. 3. We will have a ZOOM Monday for everyone to check in and talk research papers and other stuff on Monday at 11:00. I can do a repeat later in the day if I need to, just let me know via Remind if you can't make 11 on Monday and if I need to make a second one, I can. 4. If you are an artist of any kind-- music, visual art, dance, etc., we would love to share your work on the newspaper website. Our staff is working to keep the site up to date so you can get some Magnet news while sequestered. Send or share pictures, videos, etc with me at [email protected] and I will post them. 5. I am in the process of typing up the What I Haven't Seen list. I will let y'all know when I have it posted so you can see what I haven't seen from you. In many cases it may be that I'm not looking in the right place or something-- so we just need to figure that out. Okay, today's stuff: If you have been pacing yourself and staying on track with what I tell you to do daily, you should have a thesis statement written and a skeleton outline done. The skeleton outline will help you stay organized when you move into writing a sentence outline and eventually the paper. Now when you are doing a paper on your own in college, you will probably skip the sentence outline, and that's okay. For our purposes though, that is our next step. Go into the Research 2020 folder and make a copy of the 2020 Outline. All you need to do is replace MY information with YOUR information. Each number/letter of the outline MUST be a complete sentence. If you use a quote or paraphrase, you should put the internal citation after the sentence. I will link some information about internal citations HERE. Go ahead and include that in your outline. Once this sentence outline is done- it will just be a matter of revising and fancy-ing to have your complete paper. Spend the weekend catching up if you are behind and working on that sentence outline. I would like it to be done by Monday night. As you work on your sentence outline, remember the quote requirements.
I made a list for each period with what items I don't have. I did not include everything that we have done. If you don't know how to do something- check the posts on this site. Let me know when you have done it via remind so I can go back and check it off. I hope this helps. Please don't worry, I am not fussing-- just trying to make sure that we are all on the same page. Most people are missing the Thesis Statement. That's okay, as you should still be working on that. After looking over the list, I am pretty happy that the vast majority of people are on track. Each period is a separate file below.
Good morning. Today, we move on to actually writing your paper. There are two big steps that need to happen. We need to construct the thesis statement and complete the initial single-word outline. These two things sorta happen at the same time. First thing you need to do is MAKE A COPY of this document and put that COPY in your research folder. (I messed with the settings so that you should HAVE to make a copy and not be able to inadvertently edit the original. Y'all will have to let me know if it doesn't work correctly.) I would focus on completing the Skeleton Outline Graphic Organizer thing first. Just put single words to represent ideas you will discuss in your research. It is okay if you can't fill out the whole thing right now. You should at least be able to sorta subdivide your topic into three main points or examples. Once you can do that-- you are ready to write your thesis. I have written out two thesis options. I have included a few examples of each. You will see the examples at the top of the Thesis Statements document. (I will also copy and paste them on to the Research tab. I will link videos and other resources throughout the day. See if you can make one of them work. Then add your thesis to the table in this document. I think having them in one place will help us see each others' for help and allow me to review them easily. If you can get those two steps done, you will be on track. SIDE NOTE: If you have not placed your topic/prompt on the chart, please do so today. I will post a list of people who are not getting the points for this task this evening. |
Access the shared research 2020 folder below. Remember to COPY anything to you drive so you don't alter the original file.
ArchivesCategoriesIgnore the half-naked men on the front of the books. These actually were some quick, funny reads. And I have a point. READ.... it doesn't matter if it an award-winning novel or a trashy romance, JUST READ. It exercises your brain and gets you outta the house when you can't actually get outta the house.
Thursday, April 23Thursday, April 16Monday, April 13Thursday, April 9Wednesday, Apr 8Tuesday, April 7Monday, April 6Sunday, April 5Saturday, April 4Friday, April 3Thursday, Apr 2Wednesday, Apr 1 |